Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hi my name is Billy and I am a witch.
Meaning I am a wiccan. Wicca is the oldest religion which does NOT worship satan. In fact wiccan's do not believe in the devil. I do not wear black everyday, in fact the only items of black clothing is the essential little black dress, my bob Marley t-shirt, and my favorite American rag pants. So no I am not that creepy chick who sits by herself at lunch and talks to the creamed corn (even though some days I am tempted, just to rid myself of mindless girly chatter). I do have a black cat, but she found me. I didn't set out at the age of 2 to get a black cat it just happened her name is Sally and she has an adopted sister the other cat who found me, Keesa. I also have a dog, but mother found her. I do believe that humans have connections to animals, it would be hard for me to think anything differently just from how much understanding I see in their eyes.

I have two names, one will remain a mystery for it is my generic name that is on my birth certificate and what my peers and out of the loop family members call me. The name that my mother intended for my is Wilhelmina, but she calls me Billy when we are alone or with the knowing members of the family. My father does not know I am a witch, he doesn't know my mother is either. Neither does my grandfather, or my great grandfather and so on. This might seem a bit confusing. Well I am a descendant of over 10 generations of witches. According to the first Wilhelmina for whom I am named her sister was turned in during the Salem witch trials by her own father. Our line has been in hiding ever since. Wicca is not reserved just for females, that is just how it has come in my family. My great grandmother is also Wilhelmina, I guess you can see it is a family name it was her mother that decided on the "witch" name and the "society" name. Willy and I also share a "society" name, her late husband never knew about her either. I guess we are in hiding and have been for a very long time. You would think that in modern society we wouldn't have to hide, but we do.

Not every child of every generation chooses to be a witch. My grandmother is the eldest of four children,she is also the only one Willy gave a witches name too. She claims that she just new when she looked at my grand mother that she was connected to the world in ways like her. My grand mothers other two sisters apparently did not have this "connection" Willy has a theory that it is more than a religion, that is something your born with. There are times when we will run into people who are confused about why they see the world differently than their family or the relief system they were raised in, we casually suggest they look up the more spiritual ways of life and the older religions. Sometimes the click sometimes they don't.

I started this blog so I could hash out my frustrations to someone other than my "for mothers" and still remain anonymous. I will explain more later or if you have questions as them. For...

I am Billy, The Teenage Witch

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the follow!
    That's really interesting, I've never actually come across people who do it like that (the hiding). How do you keep it so secret? None of them have ever found out? You are so lucky though that you have your mom and stuff for guidance. I'm kind of going blind here, because my whole family is Christian. The only people who know are my parents and my sister. I'm too afraid to tell my stepmom...
    Sorry, the comment was far longer than intended. )0(
